Digital India’s website hacked? Google said so!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet initiative, Digital India, has been experiencing a virtual hiccup since Thursday morning.

“This site may have been hacked,” says search engine giant Google on the search results page. In these times of virtual threats, this certainly is not a warning to be taken lightly.

The Google support forum explains that this message will appear when Google believes that a hacker might have changed some of the site’s existing pages or added new spam pages. “If you visit the site, you could be redirected to spam or malware.”

What raises concern is the recent spike in cybercrime—from financial frauds to denial-of-service attacks on government websites—some perpetrated by individuals and some by hostile states.


The Digital India program is the government of India’s flagship e-governance initiative, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 2 last year. This ambitious project aims to provide services, products, devices, and job opportunities electronically under one roof as part of ‘Ekranti: National e-Governance Plan 2.0.’

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