The Secret to Small Business Tech Support

Ever get that sinking feeling? That pit-of-the-belly sensation when you realize something’s gone wrong. Business proprietors know what I’m speaking about. We get it when that client calls to bitch approximately an activity. Or when a provider’s key shipment does not arrive on time.

You’re a business owner. You recognize this sense. When is it the worst? When it is a technology assist trouble. You come to paintings, and your pc screen isn’t always the way you left it the night before. When you arrive at your office this morning, you are no longer greeted by the typical computing device. Instead, the display is frozen at “Windows is setting out.” A replacement that robotically downloaded the final night screwed something up. Your screen is black. And now, so is your temper.

You watch the display screen for a few minutes, anticipating something to manifest, but you realize thathnothing. Finally, you restart the laptop. Twice. The same result. Now you have got that sinking feeling. You see your morning slipping away: This computer will not start. And nor is your day. Until you get some help, you must name technical aid. But halt your hyperventilation- there is no want to fear in any respect. As a fellow enterprise proprietor, I will help you because I’ve learned how to deal with technical assistance with a few regulations for people like us.

Rule One: Don’t Get Angry

You can get angry if you stay in a metropolis where it snows half the year and your team begins the season 0-4. You can get irritated when you notice that Jennifer Lopez has been paid $12 million to choose American Idol. But this time, getting irritated may not help each person. And it may not assist you in getting your issue resolved any quicker. Suppose you are jogging your personal, commercial enterprise. In that case, you want your personnel to see you storming around your workplace, wildly swinging a golf club over your head like a tomahawk while you kick over your chair and repeatedly yell, “Why, why, why!” It’s sufficient that your circle of relatives see this conduct. You have to supply personnel with the effect that the whole thing is in control. That YOU are on top of things. You are a businessman. You are Don Draper. So do what he could do at eight a.m.- have a bourbon and smoke. Microsoft (MSFT) Windows never rattled Don Draper, right? So be calm.

Rule Two: Be Nice to the Technician

Of course, it’s disturbing that you need to wait on the preserve. All of us understand how hectic it may be when you have to punch your “customer ID,” ZIP code, mom’s maiden call, favorite holiday spot, and social safety variety into the automatic machine three times, only to be asked for that equal facts once more the minute a live character comes on the smartphone. It’s no longer his fault. The technician is simply doing his activity. He’s going to be nice. It would be best if you were great, too. You’re a commercial enterprise proprietor. How could you want it if some consumer was a jerk to one of your personnel? You won’t get on his desirable aspect by being a jerk. At best, you will earn the right to be put on preserve five more instances than important or be forced to sit and wait in silence for many more minutes, thinking about what he is, without a doubt, doing as he’s clicking away on his keyboard.

Rule Three: Be Patient

You realize from going for walks in your commercial enterprise that the solutions can’t be introduced right away from time to time. Don’t you want your customers to be more affected once they name a problem? Of course, you do. So take a deep breath. Don’t fear those long silences on the road when you suppose you’ve been disconnected. He’s there. He’s, in all likelihood, just mulling things over. Or speak about the issue with his colleagues. Whatever. Be patient. Answer the questions. Take this time to arrange your agenda. This problem will, in the long run, get resolved. It will take a bit of time, and that is all. Don’t forget to grab the golfing membership again and knock that photograph of your spouse and youngsters at Disney (DIS) off your desk.

Rule Four: Cede Control

As a business owner, you’re probably a manipulative freak. Like me, you hate other humans doing things you don’t apprehend. That’s why you don’t work for all people anymore. But to fix your hassle, you must relinquish that control… At the least for a couple of minutes. When the technician asks to take over your machine to troubleshoot remotely, allow him. Don’t worry about security. Try now not to think about anything malicious he will be doing. Please don’t worry about him searching the websites you recently visited. Remember, he doesn’t care about all that. He has others in your situation, and he needs help, too. Let him take over your computer and run all the complicated scripts and programs that handiest the technical assistance men recognize how to run. Could you not ask what he is doing? In truth, don’t even watch what he is doing. Look over some office work as an alternative. Try to look busy. Walk across the workplace as in case you’ve lost your mind, conjuring up a few tremendous plans to take your business to new heights. The tech guy will soon end.

Rule 5: The Most Important Rule… Delegate

Haven’t you learned whatever over the last two decades jogging your commercial enterprise? You’re the boss. So act like one! You recognize that you will find it best to screw matters up by way of now by using doing the carrier yourself so that you have a person else do it. You understand by now that you’ll lose that client if you call him and scream about his overdue invoice, so you have someone else do it. And you ought to understand by way of now that you’ll never be the technical wizard that you once concept you could be when you acquire your first Windows 3.1 pc-so so you want to delegate this, too. The minute you spot something wrong, have every other man in your office or your tech man cope with the trouble. And instead, pick out the cell phone and call a customer. Check on an order. Walk around the warehouse—order lunch for the body of workers. Just do something else extra useful. And extra appropriate for the proprietor of an organization.

See? It becomes only a simple repair. Your computer is up and jogging. Life can return to normal in time for lunch.

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