What you need to know to help elderly patients make health decisions

Assisting elderly patients with healthcare decision-making is a complex, difficult process. The wishes of the older adult must be considered, along with the input of their loved ones and a host of other significant factors, like the quality of life, the limits of technology, and the possible expenditure required to maintain a certain health level.

The assistance of an experienced, competent, and compassionate healthcare professional is essential for helping older adults explore all of the different medical options and potential healthcare paths they could take. While experience is one of the best teachers, there are several steps you can take now to improve your ability to communicate with elderly patients and assist them with their decision-making process.

Help the older adult to be in control.

If older people control the decision-making process, they will feel more positive and empowered, which will help make the entire process much easier. Suppose an older adult feels like their family members and medical practitioners are speaking over their heads and making decisions about their health without their input or consent. In that case, they will likely think they have lost their dignity, power, and place. By helping them feel included and empowered, making important decisions will be better for everyone involved.

One of the best ways to include the patient in decisions is to explain exactly what the situation is and what the patient’s options are. It is important that the patient has time to consider the situation, reflect on their choices, and discuss the possibilities with their loved ones and friends.

As a medical practitioner, you will likely first want to speak with the patient’s family members and ensure they understand the situation and have all the necessary facts. The family members should also be informed of the different treatment options available for the patient. However, the patient mustn’t be spoken over or disregarded during the decision-making process; instead, they should be included in asking questions, discussing, and agreeing with the final decisions.

Gain the experience and training you need

The holistic AGPCNP program at Wilkes University provides training in handling such conversations with patients and exploring various healthcare plans. It trains students in cutting-edge medical treatments while teaching them how to best care for and communicate with the patients under their care.

Regardless of your role, helping older patients make difficult decisions about their healthcare will be challenging. These decisions are incredibly complex and hard for the patient and their loved ones. Without the appropriate training and experience in the field, it can be challenging to speak with the patient, explore all available options, and help guide them toward the best treatment plan.

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