How the War Against Spam is Killing the Internet

Hands down, electronic mail is the most broadly used and cherished computer software brought to life via the Internet. According to the ebook ‘Messaging Today’ (2000 Electronic Mailbox Report – Feb. 21, 2001), “Email is the most a hit communications generation because TV, and in a few years may even surpass that. There are presently more than 891 million email accounts in use Worldwide and 440 million within The U.S. By myself – with a median of more than four email accounts consistent with man or woman.”

While more than 200 million people use and revel in Email, a few thousand people are abusing the gadget, which is reducing its conversation potential for the rest of us.


The most not unusual kinds of email abuse are as follows:

– Using electronic mail harvesters (software that gathers email addresses from the Internet to send junk mail messages).

Selling the addresses gathered from a real opt-in email listing to someone for whom the recipient did not personally provide touch permission.

– Buying Millions of CDs after requiring humans to choose an Email, in preference to deciding the Email.

– Providing takeaway addresses that don’t make paintings.

Generally, the persons using these unsolicited mail techniques are morons who are too lazy to learn how to increase a sincere online business or too impatient to build an enterprise so one can make final a lifetime. Let us now not overlook that “moron” is the keyword right here, seeing that a spammers enterprise will no longer generate enough profits to justify the price of doing enterprise the outlaw way.


Spammers spam because they’re too lazy to build an internet commercial enterprise the old-fashioned way — with honesty and integrity. As a result of the spammer’s obnoxious laziness, the general public has been confronted with the growing nuisance of loads of junk mail messages in their email boxes daily! I have filtered more than 100 portions in step with the day to my trash bin, and I acquire every other two hundred-plus messages in keeping with the day I have not set up filters for yet.

While I will admit that spammers are genuinely annoying, I ought to confess that the majority have created new problems for everybody! In the battle against unsolicited mail, electronic mail account holders continuously advocate that their ISPs ought to cope with the junk mail issue for them.


By placing the obligation of controlling unsolicited mail on the shoulders of ISPs instead of hitting the delete key ourselves, we’ve opened an entirely new can of worms. In truth, ISPs can not do much to stem the tide of unsolicited mail. Yet, with so many irritated clients, ISPs felt strongly wanted to locate some form of strategy to the trouble.

ISPs had one in every one of the options:

– RBL (Real-time Blackhole List) http://mail-abuse.Org/rbl/

– Installing Email Filters

Neither is a great strategy for dealing with unsolicited mail. In reality, each is a terrible answer to spam!


To recognize the predicament created by using filters in the struggle against junk mail, we must first recognize how unsolicited mail filters work. It is important to remember that filters are virtual software packages.

The software isn’t intuitive!

While a few software programs might also seem intuitive, the phantasm exists because the programmer’s thoughts can foresee your dreams of using the software program.

Filtering software exists handiest as a set of regulations to decide the likelihood of a message being unsolicited mail. Here is a definition of a number of the primary policies that junk mail filtering software follows:

1. If the origination email server isn’t like the Email the server of the sender’s default email deals with, then it’s far more likely
junk mail.

2. If the Email is added to more than 25 human beings, it is probably junk mail.

3. If the email originates from a selected server, then it’s probably junk mail. (This is the handiest rule that the RBL follows.)

4. If the Email originates from a specific usa TLD (pinnacle-level area), it is probably spam.

5. If certain phrases seem in the Subject or Email Body, then it’s
miles probably spam. (This is where the real problems begin!)


ISPs who select the filter option will either install a clear-out on incoming electronic mail simplest, outgoing electronic mail most effective, or a mixture of both. The 5th fundamental rule within the spam filtering software that most ISPs use is that every ISP has a listing of “junk mail words” that the software scans for.

A few of the simpler, more obvious “unsolicited mail words” comply with:



– Casino

– Gambling

– Porn

– Million

– Billion

– Viagra

The first time I experienced unsightly filter trouble was with my first ezine. My ezine became a laptop support book, and upon introducing a chief virus, I attempted to ship instructions to my listing on how to become aware of the virus and repair its harm. Unfortunately, my list server had blocked all messages that mentioned the virus’s call. (Never mind that the real payload email in no way noted the virus’s given name!)

My second revel was trying to send an editorial to a pal because I felt the content was important for my buddy to have. After seven attempts, I finally realized what the blocked “unsolicited mail word” had become. If you could believe it, the blocked word was!!!

Within the last 30 days, my own ISP blocked my outgoing emails. The first was when I was introduced to a consumer to tell them that I had obtained their price. The problem with the Email was that it was changed to “Payment Received” (a not-unusual difficulty for spam messages)!!!

The 2d Email hinged on a piece of writing I tried to deliver for any other purchaser. The dreaded “unsolicited mail word” changed into “gold” !!! We needed to trade the object’s call to get the article beyond my personal ISP’s filters.


Richard Lowe, the proprietor of http://www.Internet-Tips.Net, says, “The Internet is a conversation. It’s as easy as that.” The trouble with ISP filtering is that the ISP cannot recognize what we want to read and what we do now not want to read. A single ISP has customers who use the Internet for enterprise, fitness, the circle of relatives, studies, or any of a dozen special purposes. The man or woman who desires to use the Internet for the circle of relatives’ communications generally has no interest in commercial enterprise subjects. The net commercial enterprise person may also not have any hobbies in their family tree software or fitness products.

Yet, the ISP has no preference to block all styles of “spam words” for the total range of communication subjects. As a result, the family members won’t see the statistics concerning their family tree software program or other domestic life objects. The business person may not be capable of getting hold of facts crucial to their business’s operation.


We, electronic mail junkies, tend to enroll in ezines overlaying a wide variety of private possibilities. Unfortunately, many ezines are being blocked using ISPs because ezines tend to meet at least two of the standards constructed into the most unsolicited mail filters (#1, #2, and occasionally #five).

Once more, the fifth basic rule is the damaging one. Spammers are using more common words in their mailings, which the ISPs are starting to block.

I can nearly guarantee that if your personal ISP changed to show off their spam filters for a month, you would get to peer for the first time a massive quantity of ezines that you subscribed to manner back while but have by no means visible before.

You’ll see a massive increase in unsolicited mail entering your electronic mail container. Still, you will also see all the mail you need to receive that you haven’t received.


If we depend upon our ISPs to filter for us, we commit ourselves to receiving only the statistics that our ISP filters allow us to receive. It is as simple as that.

Like the information pundits on TV say about the struggle against terrorism, “We have a preference for freedom and security. The greater the one we have, the less of the alternative we will have.”

We have two alternatives:

1. We reverse the tide of ISP-controlled conversation and take responsibility for setting up our own filters to remove the rubbish in our inbox.

2. Or, we keep depending on our ISPs to filter out the spam by including new words to their “junk mail phrase” lists, removing all personal management from our private communications.


OurISPss were asked for so long to be our “Big Brother” to stem the tide of junk mail. ISPs have come to the point of
believing that we’re children who want to be protected from the “morons” who’re destroying these outstanding communications tools.

To lower this tide, we must be equipped and willing to be given the non-public responsibility of controlling our communications.

First, we must discover how to use the tools protected in our email software to install our filters. Once we have the fundamental knowledge of installing our electronic mail filters, we need to proceed to the next step.

In this step, we must contact our ISP and allow them to recognize that we must be answerable for ourselves. Our ISP should apprehend that we DO NOT need them to run spam filters on their email servers. We must claim that we do not want hem to babysit down our cications. We must emphasize that we want to determine what we need to examine and what we do not want to read! We should emphasize that we might instead use our delete keys rather than depend on their filters to no longer block any important communications.

You and I alone will not be capable of convincing our ISPs to ditch the policy of appearing as our “Online Big Brother.” But while enough folks have banded together and made our needs for open communications clear, ISPs ought to be aware and turn off their filters for fear of losing their patron base.

If we allow ISP-managed filters to keep growing unabated, they will eventually reduce the cost of Email as a communications tool. We ought to take a stand to reverse the focus of the War Against Spam! We should take a stand now to oppose the tide or danger of the very actual death of email communication and the Internet!

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