Health Care Reform – Busting The three Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare

In the last few months, the head of the human services department delivered health care reform and regulations. Every time that happens, the media keeps off it, and all articles are written in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the TV community news packages communicate approximately it. All the analysts begin to speak about the pros and cons and what it means to groups and people.

The trouble with that is that often, one author checks out the regulation and writes a piece about it. Then, different writers begin using portions of that first article and rewriting parts to fit their article. By the time the data is widely dispensed, the real rules and guidelines get twisted and distorted, and what sincerely appears in the media sometimes doesn’t genuinely constitute the reality of what the regulations say.

There are several misunderstandings about what goes on with ObamaCare, and one of the matters that I’ve observed in discussions with clients is that there may be an underlying set of myths humans have picked up about healthcare reform that just isn’t proper. However, due to all they have heard in the media, humans consider those myths ay; we will discuss the three myths I hear most commonly. Not everyone believes those myths; however, enough do, and others are unsure what to agree with, so it warrants dispelling these myths now.

The first one is that healthcare reform best impacts uninsured people. The second one is that Medicare blessings and Medicare software will not suffer from healthcare reform. The last one is that healthcare reform will reduce healthcare prices.

Health Care Reform Only Affects Uninsured

Let’s look at the first fantasy about healthcare reform only affecting uninsured people. In quite a few of the discussions I have with customers, there are several expressions they use: “I already have insurance, so I won’t be laid low with ObamaCare,” or “I’ll simply preserve my grandfathered medical health insurance plan,” and the closing one – and this one I can provide them a little bit of leeway, due to the fact a part of what they may be announcing is genuine — is “I have group health insurance, so I might not be affected by health care reform.”

Well, the truth is that healthcare reform is going to affect anybody. Starting in 2014, we will have an entirely new set of health plans, and people plans have very wealthy advantages with masses of greater capabilities that the existing plans don’t offer. So these new plans are going to be the better fee.

Health Care Reform’s Effect On People With Health Insurance

People who currently have medical health insurance will be transitioned into these new plans sometime in 2014. The insured can be directly tormented by this because the fitness plans they have today are going away, and they will be mapped into a new ObamaCare plan in 2014.

Health Care Reform Effect On The Uninsured

The uninsured have an additional issue: if they don’t get medical health insurance in 2014, they face a mandate penalty. Some healthful uninsured will observe that penalty and say, “Well, the penalty is 1% of my adjusted gross profits; I make $50,000, so I’ll pay a $500 penalty or $1,000 for health insurance. In that case, I’ll take the penalty.” However, in both cases, they may be directly laid low with the fitness care reform. Through the mandate, it influences the insured as well as the uninsured.

Health Care Reform Effect On People With Grandfathered Health Plans

People with grandfathered medical insurance plans awill not immediately be laid low with health care reform. But due to the existing cycle of their grandfathered fitness plan, it’s going to make those plans extra high-priced as they discover that there are plans available now that they can, without problems, switch to which have a richer set of blessings that might be more useful for any chronic health issues they will have.

For folks who stay in those grandfathered plans, the pool of subscribers inside the plan will start to shrink, and as that happens, the price of these grandfathered medical insurance plans will boom even faster than it may be now. Therefore, people in grandfathered health plans can also be impacted by ObamaCare.

Health Care Reform Effect On People With Group Health Insurance

The final one, the small group market, will be the most drastically affected by health care reform. Although the health care reform regulations predominantly affect large and medium-sized companies and corporations with 50 or greater personnel, smaller agencies may also be affected, despite the fact that they are exempt from ObamaCare itself.

Many surveys and polls are starting to reveal that some businesses with ten or fewer personnel will seriously consider dropping medical insurance altogether and not having it as a rate of the enterprise. Instead, their employees will get medical health insurance through the health insurance exchanges.

Some providers are announcing that they expect as many as 50% of small organizations with ten or fewer personnel to drop their medical insurance plan sometime between 2014 and 2016. That may have a huge impact on anyone who has organization medical insurance, particularly if they’re in one of these small agencies that drop health insurance.

Fitness care reform will impact anyone, not just the uninsured.

Health Care Reform Will Not Affect Medicare

The subsequent fantasy was that healthcare reform might not affect Medicare. This one is sort of funny because right from the very get-go, the maximum incredible cuts had been particularly targeting the Medicare application. When you look at Medicare’s part of the general federal, you can see that during 1970, Medicare became 4% of the U.S. Federal finances, and by 2011, it had grown to sixteen% of the federal budget.

In the last 10 years, from 2002 to 2012, Medicare has been the fastest-growing entitlement program in the federal government, growing by nearly 70%.

Because of how huge Medicare is and how rapidly it is developing, it is one of the key applications that ObamaCare is trying to get a handle on so it would not bankrupt the U.S. Medicare is going to be impacted, and the preliminary cuts to Medicare have already been set at approximately $716 billion.

Medicare Advantage Cuts And The Effects

Of that $716 billion cut, the Medicare Advantage application will be cut the most and could see the majority of the results. This will increase the charges people pay for their Medicare Advantage plans and reduce their benefits.

Increased Medicare Advantage Costs

Right now, many human beings choose Medicare Advantage plans because they’ve zero top class. When given a desire for Medicare plans, they view it as an easy desire as it’s an unfastened software for them, “Sure, I get Medicare advantages, I do not pay whatever for it; why now not.” Now they’re going to look at Medicare charges begin to climb and pass from 0 to $70, $eighty, $ninety, $100. This year, we’ve already seen that with some of the Blue Cross Medicare Advantage plans. It’s going to worsen as we pass ahead inside the destiny.

Reduced Medicare Advantage Benefits

Many Medicare Advantage plans will increase the copayments, grow the deductibles, and exchange the co-insurance prices to decrease the premium increases. To hold the premiums down, they may push extra expenses onto the Medicare Advantage recipients. Increased premiums and reduced advantages are what we are going to see in the Medicare Advantage plan.

Fewer Medicare Physicians

And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, as Medicare doctors begin receiving decreased and decreased reimbursements for Medicare Advantage humans, they may be going to forestall taking new Medicare Advantage recipients. We’re going to see the pool of doctors to help human beings in Medicare beginning to decrease as well, except modifications are remodeled the path of the next five years. So, Medicare will be affected dramatically by the healthcare reform. Everybody’s on pins and needles, ready to see what will manifest there.

Health Care Reform Will Reduce Healthcare Costs

The final and probably the most important myth about healthcare reform is that everyone questions whether ObamaCare will reduce healthcare expenses. That’s complete hogwash. Early on in the procedure, when they were seeking to develop the rules and regulations, the emphasis and one of the desires for reform became to lessen healthcare charges.

However, somewhere along the road, the purpose genuinely shifted from fee reduction to regulation of the medical health insurance enterprise. Once they made that transition, they drove price discounts to the back burner. There are a few small fee reduction components in ObamaCare; however, the actual emphasis is on regulating health insurance. The new plans, for instance, have many richer benefits than many plans today: richer benefits at way richer costs.

Health Care Reform Subsidies: Will They Make Plans Affordable?

Many people desire, “The subsidies will make medical insurance plans more low-cost, won’t they?” Yes, in a few instances, the subsidies will help to make the plans low-priced for people. But if you make $1 too much, the lower-priced plans will suddenly come to be very expensive and may cost hundreds of greenbacks over the route of 12 months. Will a subsidy make it inexpensive or not? Low cost is a problem to debate at this point. We will have to see what the charges appear like for these plans.

New Health Care Reform Taxes Passed On To Consumers

Then, many recent healthcare reform taxes were introduced into the machine to assist in paying for ObamaCare. That way, all people with a medical insurance plan will be taxed to pay the reform fee, whether in a large organization, a small institution, or just as a person. Health care reform provides numerous taxes on fitness care that insurance groups will accumulate and pay, but they’re just going to skip it right through to us, the patron.

Mandate Won’t Reduce Uninsured Very Much

During the preliminary years of health care reform, the mandate is sincerely susceptible. The mandate says that everybody has to get medical health insurance or pay a penalty (a tax). It will make healthful humans sit down on the sidelines and look ahead to the mandate to get to the factor wherein it, in the end, forces them to buy medical insurance. People with chronic health situations who couldn’t get health insurance formerly will leap into healthcare at the start of 2014.

At the end of that year, the plans’ value will head up in 2015. I can assure you that it truly will appear because young, healthy humans will not be inspired to get into the plans. They may not see the gain of joining a high-priced plan, while the chronically sick humans are going to get into the plans and drive the costs up.

Health Care Reform’s Purpose Is Just A Matter Of Semantics

The ultimate portion of this is that one of the key things – and it is humorous, I noticed it for the first years, 2010 and ‘eleven – one of the key things that was listed in the documentation from the Obama management changed into Health Care Reform might assist reduce the price that we’d see inside the future if we do not anything today. That became emphasized over and over once more. That was how they provided fitness care price discounts that would reduce the destiny costs. Not nowadays, but it might reduce what we would pay inside destiny if we did nothing about it now.

Well, it is exquisite. Ten years from now, we’re going to pay less than we’d have paid. And we all know how accurate future projections usually are. In the period in between, we’re all paying more today, and we will spend even more in 2014 and more in 2015 and 2016. People are going to be pretty disillusioned about that.


Those three myths—that healthcare reform is only going to affect the uninsured, that it might not affect Medicare beneficiaries, and that ObamaCare reduces healthcare expenses—are just that—myths. There’s nothing to them.

You must pay interest to what’s going on with health care reform because that there are extra changes that might be coming as we undergo this year, 2013. Knowing how to function yourself so that you’re in the proper spot and make a satisfactory choice at the start of 2014 is critical for everybody.

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