7 Easy SEO Tips For Solopreneur Marketing

Being a solopreneur isn’t easy.

It’s a lot of responsibility, and sometimes Web Posting Mart even struggles. You’re dealing with all sorts of risks you would be shielded from if you were working a “normal” job. You’re facing greater obstacles and dealing with many different types of stress.

One of the biggest challenges solopreneurs face is marketing their businesses effectively. This is especially true of online marketing. It can be incredibly frustrating if you’re not familiar with how it works. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the areas that vexes many solopreneurs. As you already know, making it easy for prospective clients to discover you online is important.

Good SEO will get your business in front of the most eyeballs, so it must be done right. As you read through this post’s end, you will get seven proven tips that will help you improve your search rankings.

When you start implementing these tips, you will watch your search rankings grow over time. One thing that is important to remember is that SEO isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon. Don’t expect instant results. If they happen, you’re lucky. If not, it’s okay. Just keep trucking, and you’ll see the reward.

If you’re a small enterprise — and you probably are if you’re running it solo — most of your business will come through word of mouth, human-to-human organic “marketing.” Because of this, you will need high-quality content on your website. It’s a well-known fact that content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand.

Here are some points to remember when creating content:

Is it relevant to my prospects? Does it relate to what my business does?
How is this piece of content helpful to the reader? Does it inform, educate, or inspire?
Is the content easy to read? Or will my readers have to work hard to understand it?
Moe Kermani, the founder of Natural Area Rugs, is well aware of the importance of high-quality content:

“We sell decorative area rugs, so the content on our blog focuses on giving practical tips on decorating and interior design. Not only does this help our readers design their rooms, but it also positions us as an authority in our space.”

I agree. Creating this type of content also makes it more likely for prospective customers to find their website. If they search for tips on decorating with area rugs, they will likely find Kermani’s company.
That’s how it works.

High-quality content is important because search engine bots are getting better and better at telling what is readable and what is not. Also, genuinely useful content is more likely to be shared on social media. Social signals will give you a huge boost in search engine optimization. It’s the “social proof” that spiders like the Googlebot seek.

Another thing to consider regarding content is ensuring your material is fresh and published consistently. This will entice visitors to come back more often and induce search engine spiders to visit your site more often to update their search content promptly. So, update your content frequently to keep the humans and the bots interested.

2. Do Keyword Research

Keyword research isn’t too hard if you use the right tools. Google has a keyword research tool, but you must sign up with their Adwords program to access it. Other free and premium tools will help you hone in on related keywords that your audience may be searching for that you may not have thought of yourself. The sweet spot is finding keywords with decent monthly searches and not too much competition.

3. Watch the Keyword Density

In the early days of the Internet, when the basics of SEO were first discovered, it was the norm for people to keyword-stuff their web pages, making the text look oddly redundant to human eyes.
Don’t do this. It’s a bad idea.

Not only will that not help you rank on sophisticated search engines such as Google, but it can also penalize you. This type of practice is known as “black hat SEO,” and you want to avoid it at all costs. By all means, include keywords, but try to go for a natural flow. Keep the keyword density at less than 3 percent, or it will look unnatural to the bots and the humans.

4. Display Your Keywords Prominently

Now that we know we shouldn’t go overboard, it’s important to note that keywords should be placed in certain key places in your page’s content. In particular, put your keywords in your page’s title, the header of your page, and in the body of your content, especially as close to the first and last sentences of the content as possible.


5. Make Keywords Part of Your URL: Ensure that relevant keywords are included in the page’s web address that you are optimizing. Google uses the text in your URL to help it determine the topic of your content, and it’s also more human-readable to edit your URL and add keywords than many of the random default URLs that some content-management software can spit out.

6. Don’t Neglect Local Searches

If you are a local business, be sure to focus some of your SEO efforts on local search. Target keywords that are particular to your area, and you may be able to rank quite a bit higher than your competitors.
Suppose your business is located where your competitors are not using local search. In that case, you will have a tremendous advantage over them because your company will rank higher. When your prospective customers use Google, they will see your listing first!

7. Take Social Media Seriously

As mentioned, social signals are important in modern SEO, and having your web page go viral on Facebook can do wonders for your ranking, not to mention all the free traffic that you may be able to snag from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sources in the first place. Most people expect to contact and interact with the companies they buy from, so you should be on social media anyway.

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