UK county signs MoU for quality healthcare in India

The county of Northumberland Page Design Hub in north England—known for quality and integrated healthcare—has signed a memorandum of understanding to share expertise as part of the Indo-UK Health Programme linked to the Narendra Modi government’s Smart City project. The Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Northumberland County Council signed the MoU with Indo-UK Healthcare Pvt Ltd (IUHP), which was announced here on Tuesday.

The area is reputed to provide some of the best and fully integrated services in Britain’s National Health Service. The model creates a seamless patient experience by incorporating acute hospitals (including emergency services), community services, and care delivered at home. “This is an important milestone in our vision to transform the health of millions of Indian citizens. Northumbria provides outstanding high-quality integrated health and social care for its residents,” Ajay Rajan Gupta of IUHP said.

“This is exactly the experience we need to take forward our plans. We want to take the best that the NHS has to offer across India, and there is no doubt Northumbria is the best at what it does.” The Indo-UK Institute of Health program is considered one of the world’s largest healthcare initiatives. It aims to transform the provision of quality healthcare and medical education services across India. The program will deliver a staged rollout linked to the Smart City project across 100 cities, involving 11 Indo-UK Institutes of Health Media cities and 89 Indo-UK Clinics.


Daljit Lally of the Northumberland County Council said: “India has one of the largest populations in the world, so the pressures on its healthcare system are enormous. While our primary goal is to share how we have developed such a pioneering approach to delivering integrated care in Northumberland, I do not doubt that we will also learn a great deal which will benefit the NHS.”

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